Ferrari-Carano Russian River Bank Restoration & Bio-Engineering

The project site is located at approximately River Mile 28, on the west bank of the Russian River. The existing site consisted of the eroding bank approximately 300 feet long and over 45 feet high from thalweg to top of bank. The design includeed the grading of the bank to a stable slope, building a compacted keyway and bench with bank material and covered by willow mat, placement of root wads (large woody debris) and the revegetation plan is to install native riparian plants in an effort to mimic the surrounding habitat and increase bank stability along the Russian River. A total of 595 native riparian trees and shrubs are proposed to be installed with the appropriate hardware.

Key species include: white alder, box elder, Oregon ash, Fremont cottonwood, buckeye, California black walnut, coyote brush, and California wild rose. The construction plan involves using heavy equipment, primarily an excavator and dump trucks. The eroded bank was regraded and a temporary access road was installed. Vegetation plantings, consisting of willow cuttings, were placed within and behind a keyway trench excavated into the bank. The excavator with the assistance of hand labor created the finished grade with live willow brush layering. The upper bank will be planted with appropriate native species in the coming months.

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