Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens ADA Trails Geotechnical and Materials Testing Laboratory Services

Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens retained LACO to provide a limited-scope geotechnical exploration of the project area proposed for the construction of a new 60-foot long, 14-foot wide vehicular bridge, and a new wood-framed, 6-foot wide, 30-foot long raised walkway. Our team also provided materials testing laboratory services to evaluate soil density and moisture.

Our geologists and geotechnical engineers found that the site was suitable for the proposed walkway development from a geologic and geotechnical viewpoint, and provided geotechnical recommendations for earthwork and foundation design to address loose (weak) surface soils, loose near-surface sands (locally), and undocumented fills (locally); possible seasonal high (perched) groundwater; and the potential for strong seismic ground shaking. Our recommendations included parameters for seismic hazards, liquifaction, site preparation, foundation designs, retaining walls, structural fill, compaction standards, and drainage.

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